Friday, October 20, 2006

I KNEW She Was Up To Something!...

     I discovered this




tucked behind the wash machine, stashed neatly among a 30 count of fake mice, rubber balls, shining sparkle balls, and one nuclear detonation device.  I knew she was up to something while I have been gone to work and now I know WHAT!

     My little Axis Of Evil has been trying my patience today.  In between her frequent "Prances With Wolves--The Sequel" on the counter tops, she has been secretly printing dirty money to fund her evil doings.  I swear I heard her meowing in Korean the other day, too.

     Since I have been home the past few days and feeling a bit under the weather, she has felt a need to take full control of the household and milk every last ounce of my reserves.  Right now, she is pretending to sleep while sitting up on her "throne" beside the computer...I believe this is just her sneaky way of trying to access my computer pins and codes...yet another funding source to aid her plans for weapons of mass destruction.

     I have even gone so far as to threaten her with abandonment...she merely stares at me with a knowing look...she SENSES I am too weak of heart to toss her with her little kitty luggage out on the street.  She KNOWS she owns me.

     Today, she left such a foul, "dirty bomb" in the litter box, I became overcome with dry heaves...she mocked me from the doorway then ran to an outside window to send a message of her triumph to the army of ferel neighborhood cats she has recruited for her feline take over of the world...I think they meow in Korean as well.

     Maybe it's the Prednisone I started today at the suggestion of my neurologist to combat this horrible post Tysabri arthralgia and fatigue...maybe it's clouding my judgment.  But if I come up missing or don't show up on this blog for a few days, it's because my CAT has taken me hostage...I just KNOW she's up to something bigger than this...


Anonymous said...

I would not worry about the detonator unless she somehow gets her paws on some fissile material.  Now if you'll excuse me, I need to talk to some folks about Waco/RubyRidge thing ... Say, did you know that  Janet Reno had MS?

Anonymous said...

ROFLMAO!!  Step away from the steroids Linda....  LOL!  That picture is just too funny!

Anonymous said...

MONDOVAPAPA:  Listen, Mr. Rove!  Janet Reno has Parkinson's Disease and has never admitted to having MS because it's doubtful she has it...besides, MS doesn't cause women to grow to six feet and have manly features!!!  (Not sure Parkinson's does either, for that matter).


Anonymous said...

PEEJ:  Be very CAREFUL of ROFLMAO...this can lead to urinary dysfunction!  You think it's really the steroids or is that "cheep" on your IM's a secret code to the Princess of Darkness???!!??  I'm watching you now, too...LOL


Anonymous said...

Huh, And here I thought it was MS all these years ... This may have added to the confusion:

Anonymous said...

MONDOPAPA:  Dude!  That article "mentions" Janet Reno's name once!  You best go back and take the Evelyn Woodhead "Sped Redding Course" again...ROFLMAO!!!


Anonymous said...

Ha....Meha, the cat that owns you, is good!

I read a framed print today...'If I get lost and finally turn up, please tell myself to stay until I get back' that I think of it, it reminds me of your post!!

BTW..did I tell you the 'Bosc' has some nasty flatulence of late.  Poor thing...he can clear a room faster than Hubby now a days, and that's something really HUGE!



Anonymous said...

SUZY:  Oh ma gawd, Becky!!!  It must be the season for flatulence!  Meha has been breaking some very nasty wind, too...and here I thought she was just practicing biological warfare...