Friday, January 19, 2007

Runnin' On Empty...Runnin' On...

     Was it Jackson Browne who sang that song, "Running on Empty"?  I curse him...

     At least the "I'm Dreaming Of A White Christmas" has left my brain from earlier snow storms this week...unfortunately, it's been replaced today with, "Runnin' On Empty"...repeating over and over in my little pee brain as though a personal theme song.

     Admittedly, I'm just DAYUMed tired!  I checked my internal "tank" this morning and realized I was critically low on fuel...I burned it all up working four days this week back in my full-time rotation at my job and I forgot to keep any "emergency" source available to me.  (Yes, for those of you curiously wondering what the heck I was referencing in my geometry lesson the other was, of course, about ME and difficult lessons learned from ASKING for what I get!)

     Unfortunately, I DID have to get up this morning, make myself presentable, and report in at my favorite Club Med location for an IV infusion of Solumedrol...this is the latest course of treatment for me...monthly IV Solumedrol until sometime this summer when I may qualify for the FTY720 study via Dr. She Who Will Not Be Named.  Dr. SWWNBN "forgot" to tell me I would have to wait SIX MONTHS after her Voodoo Medicine of IVIg before I can be considered for the drug study!  Or, maybe she DID tell me, but I choose to blame just makes my life simpler.  LOL

     Anyway, I made it to my infusion appointment only 5 minutes late (friggin' miracle if you ask me given my A.D.D...Arse Dragging Disorder) and the lovely infusion nurses hooked me up to my current drug of choice.  Saint EB met me at Club Med and entertained me for over an hour...I've begun to think my dear friends are "worried" about leaving me alone in medical establishments, thinking I'll either wind up ADMITTED or just caught stealing toilet paper or something! LOL

     Anyway, I got the "stuff" mainlined and found myself even more exhausted than on arrival AND nauseated with a's ALWAYS "sump tin"...after making sure my skinniest of thin friends (Saint EB...for THIS I DO despise her!) ate a healthy meal and I inhaled whatever was placed in front of me, I returned home with hopes of cleaning my hut/sty before my mentor, JADE, arrives on Sunday.  Alas, cleaning was a lost cause...

     I have instead dinked around on the computer, wandered from room to room "touring" my unnatural disaster in my home, and I am considering applying for emergency FEMA funds to assist with the clean up.  I wonder what the "Bush" and "Brownie" would say about THIS mess?!?

     And now, instead of cleaning (I seriously have no energy OR ability to push a vacuum), I am retiring to my living room couch...I have given up on the idea that my repeated and constant presence there is messing up my Feng Shui...I have now accepted my arse on the sofa only ADDS to the allure of my home!  Much like a pig adds to the Feng Shui of a sty...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're dragging your caboose...  I really don't know how people get away with "I'm exhausted but I won't sleep now" because my body refuses to play that game.  I've fallen asleep at red lights or at the kitchen sink trying to push myself along...

NAPS!!  Doesn't matter if you're on the sofa or in your bed as long as you're asleep and recharging your batteries!  Forget the housework, the cat won't turn you in to the board of health anytime soon.  :)

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you're suffering from a bout of the ADD.

You know  you're a gem.

I loved the line you ended this (pillar-to-) post with.

I wish I could come up with lines like:

   "Much like a pig adds to the Feng Shui of a sty..."

My wife would be mortified.

This week, she's on a cleaning kick.

Other weeks its, "Meh,  who cares?"

Anonymous said...

I love to read you!  You are so strong and funny!  I hope that you are feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

I love to read you!  You are so strong and funny!  I hope that you are feeling better soon!